Feng Shui and Meditation

Feng shui is related to meditation in more ways than one. You can look at this connection on the most basic level: you apply feng shui principles to your home, and you can have a space within your home that is dedicated to meditation. However, this isn’t the only link between feng shui and meditation. Feng shui can also be a way to connect mindfully to your home and your spaces. It’s said that mindfulness and meditation are ways to get to know oneself better and feng shui is very similar. Feng shui can help us become more attuned to our homes, and it can also encourage us to value and appreciate all aspects of our homes on a deeper level.

Feng Shui and Color

Feng shui looks to move visible and invisible energies around our homes, and color is a kind of energy that is both visible and invisible. Color is something we delight in with our visual senses, and it can also be light vibrations that we cannot see. From a feng shui perspective, color is one of the most powerful ways to shift the energy in a space. When designing a meditation space, there are a few feng shui guidelines when it comes to applying color. While there are no “best” feng shui colors for a meditation space, there may be colors that are best for your meditation space based on your energy and intentions. We would encourage you to pay attention to what colors you’re attracted to and to listen to your intuition. You can also mindfully bring in a certain color based on its feng shui meaning. After you’ve decided which colors you want to bring into your meditation space, you have a few options. You can incorporate these colors in ways that require more investment, like painting the walls or furniture, or try adding color in a smaller way, like a meditation cushion. You can even apply your feng shui color choice with a much lighter touch, and start with a very small object like a candle, crystal, or another item that is part of your meditation space.

Feng Shui Colors for Your Meditation Space

One way to approach feng shui and color is to look at the five element color theory. The five elements system comes from Taoism, and it’s a way of understanding the different energies that make up the world. Each element is connected to specific colors, as well as certain qualities. If there’s a type of energy that you want to cultivate in your meditation practice, you can bring the corresponding element in through color. Below we’ve listed the colors and qualities associated with each of the five elements. You may want to notice if any of these elements resonate with you, if so, consider incorporating those colors into your meditation space.

Earth Element

The earth element is connected to the colors yellow and brown. Earth represents stability and groundedness, so if these are qualities you’d like to cultivate, you may want to bring these in your meditation space. Earth is also connected to self care and boundaries, so earth colors could be supportive if you want to create healthy boundaries around the quiet time you’ve carved out for yourself.

Metal Element

The metal element is related to white and metallic colors. Metal is connected to joy and precision, so bringing in metal colors can be helpful if you want to enhance these characteristics. Metal can also help to improve focus, which can be supportive in a meditation space.

Water Element

Water is represented by the color black. If you want to cultivate more wisdom and intuition, you might want to bring in more water element colors. Water is also related to depth, so adding black to your space may be helpful if you are wanting to go deep in your meditation practice.

Wood Element

The wood element is related to green and blue. Wood represents vitality, growth, and healing. If the intention behind your meditation practice is to work on healing yourself, or cultivating more flexibility in how you approach life, wood element colors could be very supportive in your meditation space.

Fire Element

Fire is connected to the color red. It’s also related to passion and inspiration, so adding red to your space is a great way to invite more of these qualities into your life. Red is also a very powerful, active color, and a little bit goes a long way. If you want your meditation space to feel calm and serene, you might want to bring red into the room in smaller doses rather than painting an entire wall. If you’re not sure which element or color to bring into your meditation space, check in with your intuition. It’s important to consider your own personal associations to certain colors and how they make you feel, so that you can create spaces that are nurturing and supportive of you.