Mexican bush sages can be propagated with cuttings, and overwintering can be done indoors or outdoors, depending on the winter temperatures of your area. The plant can develop various infestations and fungal diseases, although you generally won’t have problems caring for this easygoing bush.


The Mexican bush sage prefers full sun, but it can tolerate partial sun. Still, in partial sun, your plant may not be as dense and lush.


Though Mexican bush sages are drought-tolerant, they require watering during hot summers. Be sure to water the shrub weekly during its initial growing season to help develop strong roots. You can water Mexican bush sage during periods of drought longer than two weeks without significant rainfall.


Mexican bush sages require heavier soils than other plants in their family and are not prone to rot in heavy soil. You can work a three- or four-inch layer of organic compost into the soil with a tiller, improving drainage and providing additional protection.

Temperature and Humidity

The Mexican bush sage is a warm-weather plant and blooms at the end of summer and into the early fall. It will only survive winters warmer than 18°F.


You can fertilize the Mexican bush sage with an all-purpose, 12-12-12 fertilizer each year before new shoots emerge in the spring. Be sure to apply the fertilizer at the manufacturer’s recommended rate. Regular fertilization is typically unnecessary.

Types of Mexican Bush Sage

Midnight Mexican Bush SagePink Mexican Bush SageWhite Mexican Bush Sage


You can shear the Mexican bush sage two or three times during the spring and summer to promote denser, more compact growth and heavier bloom. Shear the plant to the ground in the winter to ensure it grows back quickly into a full bush with abundant flowers. You should deadhead flowers once they fade.

Propagating Mexican Bush Sage

The Mexican bush sage can be propagated with cuttings taken in spring or summer. While you can plant from seeds, propagating promotes universal growth and is a productive use for excess branching. Here’s how to propagate the Mexican bush sage with cuttings:


The Mexican bush sage can freeze and experience some dieback of the stems in winter, but when cut back in February, new growth will come up. You may overwinter the plant indoors in a pot with good drainage and exposure to ample sunlight. Transfer the Mexican bush sage indoors before the first frost. However, you can leave the plant outdoors if the winter weather stays slightly above freezing temperatures.

Common Pests & Plant Diseases

The Mexican bush sage is susceptible to several pests and diseases. Pest risks include whiteflies, aphids, and spider mites. However, these insects usually attack Mexican bush sages grown inside a greenhouse. The plant can also develop diseases such as rust and leaf spot.

How to Get Mexican Bush Sage to Bloom

You can encourage a healthy bloom on your Mexican bush sage with appropriate care in the early stages of growth. When in bloom, the flowers are bright and fragrant, and the leaves are soft and hairy. Full bloom occurs in the summer and annually or perennially after. You should deadhead the flowers and maintain proper moisture during bloom to promote full and healthy flowers.

Common Problems With Mexican Bush Sage

The plant is generally low-maintenance and problem-free but is prone to issues common to all bushes.

Plant Leaves Falling Off

Leaves infected with rust can cause leaf drop. Rust is a fungal disease that thrives in overly wet soil, so you should adjust your watering practices if you notice leaves falling off your Mexican bush sage.

Yellow Leaves

Like leaf loss, yellow leaves on your Mexican bush sage are often caused by overwatering or an overly nitrogen-rich fertilizer. You can address this issue preemptively by mixing at least 20% sand or grit with compost into your soil. If you notice yellow leaves, check the soil to ensure it’s dry enough or well enough drained.