Maintaining a parking strip garden isn’t for the faint of heart. With such a conspicuous garden comes vulnerability. Unthinking children may pluck bouquets for their mothers. Disrespectful passers-by may flick cigarettes into your shrubbery. Car fumes and ice melting chemicals threaten the health of any delicate specimens you struggle to grow in this no-man’s land. And dogs will do what dogs do (ahem). If these thoughts make you clench your trowel a little bit tighter with determination, you’re ready to tackle your hell strip. The edibles you can grow in a sidewalk garden are limited only by the amount of sunlight you receive, but keep in mind that pedestrians might see these veggies as a public offering, limiting your harvest. Tuck a few dwarf cherry tomato plants among the flowers, and perhaps you will be able to top your salads without attracting the notice of the neighborhood.