A traditional toast is an excellent toast to say; they’re short and easy to remember. It’s good to have at least one all-purpose toast in your memory bank to use as you raise your glass at the perfect moment. Whether you’re looking for a funny or friendly toast, or some drinking toasts, never be at a loss for words. These catchy phrases impress or save the day with a sentiment beyond “Cheers!”

1. To Health and Prosperity

This is the perfect toast for those big moments in life. Celebrating the boss’s retirement? Maybe your friend’s college graduation or wedding? This toast wishes them all the best in their pursuit of a happy, healthy, and prosperous life. “May you live as long as you like,And have all you like as long as you live.”

2. To Deep Friendship

Save this toast for lifelong friendships when you want to show just how much you care. It’s particularly fitting for going away parties or reunions when the sentiment will mean the most. “My heart is as full as my glass when I drink to you, old friend!”

3. To Friendship (or Not)

You have to appreciate the sass of this rhyme! Keep it in mind for your absolute best friends who have a great sense of humor. It goes great with a round of shots. “Here’s to you and here’s to me,Friends may we always be!But, if by chance we disagree,Up yours! Here’s to me!”

4. To Solid Friendship

Let out your inner poet with this “ship” lyric. It is a perfect choice for dinner parties with friends and anytime you just want to say, “Hey, I love you guys!” in a more poetic way. “There are good ships,and there are wood ships,The ships that sail the sea.But the best ships, are friendships,And may they always be.”

5. To a Round of Drinking

Your friend just walked in with a bottle of “the good stuff,” and it’s time to show off your appreciation. This toast is easy to remember so you can pop it off once that bottle’s cracked. “One bottle for four of us,Thank God there’s no more of us!”

6. To Love (and Kisses)

This toast can be interpreted in so many ways. Sure, it ends with that sweet, endearing sentiment, but the first line is more reminiscent of spring break. It’s definitely a fun one for the right occasion. “May we kiss who we please,And please who we kiss.”

7. To Happiness and a Good Life

Sometimes, you just have to pull out an old-fashioned verse. This one is ideal for any special event or those times when you simply feel like getting a little poetic. “May neighbors respect you,Trouble neglect you,The angels protect you,And heaven accept you.”

8. To a Good Time

Show off your lyrical skills and impress your friends with this fun rhyme. It has that sauciness of Irish drinking toasts, and it’s better than just saying, “Drink up!” “My friends are the best friendsLoyal, willing, and able.Now let’s get to drinking!All glasses off the table!”

9. To a Life of Happiness

The sentiment of this toast is ideal for almost any occasion. Use it to wish someone a happy life or to celebrate overcoming a difficult time. It is a fantastic way to say goodbye (or see you later) as people move away or take on the next big thing, too. “May the saddest day of your future be no worse than the happiest day of your past.”

10. To Happiness and Wisdom

This one is an old favorite that you might expect to hear from a clever grandfather. These words of wisdom are perfect for any of life’s big milestones—weddings, college graduations, a job change, or a move across the country. They are words that anyone can live by and relate to, and that’s what makes a truly great toast! “May you have the hindsight to know where you’ve been,The foresight to know where you’re going,And the insight to know when you have gone too far.”

11. To Old Friends and Memories

This humorous toast is written for friends with a shared history. The words are perfect for high school or college reunion toasts to reignite old bonds and memories. “To those who have seen us at our best and seen us at our worst and can’t tell the difference.”

12. To Friends Moving On

This old Irish blessing is perfect to toast someone on their way to a new phase in life. Keep it handy at a retirement, graduation, or wedding party when you want a quick chuckle while sending someone off. “As you slide down the banister of life, may the splinters never point in the wrong direction.”

13. To Sharing Experiences

Sometimes the occasion calls for a funny toast with a little revelry. You can’t beat this drinking quote to kick off a good time when out with close friends at a bar or party. “To hell: May the stay there be as fun as the way there.”

14. To the Bride and Groom

For a quick bit of the best advice, this wedding toast fits the bill. The message applies to both bride and groom so look them both in the eye when delivering this toast. You’re sure to see lots of nodding heads in agreement. “To keep a marriage brimming with love in the loving cup, when you are wrong admit it, and when you are right, shut up!”

15. To True Friends

If you want to honor your true friends, do it with this toast to make them feel special. Just have plenty of bubbly on hand! “Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends.”

16. To Thank Your Friends

If you’re the one giving the toast as a thank you to everyone in the room, these words will say it all. Plus, you’ll get quite the laugh. “I would rather be with the people in this room than with the finest people I know.”

17. To a Night on the Town

If you want to kick off a night of merriment with a group of good friends, try this funny but heartwarming toast. Those with pets will understand its meaning immediately. Dogs and other pets think their owners are the best and most trustworthy humans on earth, so may you all stay that way throughout the night! “May we be who our dogs think we are.”

18. To Healthy Friends

When you are celebrating an announcement of the improved health of a loved one or friend, it may be tough to find a funny toast. But here’s one that combines humor, gratitude, and wisdom all into one line. “Here’s to staying positive and testing negative.”

19. To Bar Buddies

Start a bachelor party or any celebration at the bar with this winning poetic but funny toast. “If I should stumble out of this bar, I pray this night is worth the scar!”

20. To Lasting Friendships

This good Irish toast is perfect for a group of old friends together for a celebration. It’s ideal for the mature crowd who, as we know, feels those creaks in the hinges every now and again. “May the hinges of our friendship never grow rusty.”

21. To a Graduate

You can give a toast filled to the brim with great advice for a young adult at a graduation party. But, it’s probably best to keep the congrats short and sweet. Here’s one that a new college graduate can appreciate, or one who is heading off to college after high school. Say it loud and proud for all to hear! “The tassel’s worth the hassle!”

22. To Good Friends

Here’s another poetic and good Irish toast to celebrate the friends in the room. This rhyme is easy to remember, but be careful, it may bring a tear to everyone’s eyes. “Here’s to good friends,Never above you,Never below you,Always beside you.”

23. To the Guest of Honor

This traditional toast is ideal if you’re toasting the bride and groom or celebrating a couple on their 50th anniversary. It’s a good, solid way to bless the guest of honor. “May your troubles be less, and your blessings be more, and nothing but happiness come through your door.”

24. To Financial Success

Even if you aren’t Irish, and neither is the person you’re toasting, this is one of the best financial toasts you’ll hear. It’s a great one to say to send off a graduate to a new job. “May your bank account always be like the capital of Ireland—Always Dublin!”

25. To Single Friends

Out with single friends celebrating a job promotion or bachelor/bachelorette party? Here’s the perfect funny toast to get the evening started. Raise a filled glass and say: “To being single, seeing double, and sleeping triple.”

20 More Toasts to Celebrate With

Here are 20 more general toasts that can work for many occasions:

“It is around the table that friends understand best the warmth of being together.““May every day bring more happiness than yesterday.““May you have all the happiness and luck that life can hold, and at the end of your rainbows, may you find a pot of gold.““Always remember to forget the troubles that passed away. But never forget to remember the blessings that come each day.““Here’s to the nights we’ll never remember with our friends we’ll never forget.““Our friendship like old wine of vintage rare and fine. A toast to many happy days, rare good luck and pleasant ways.““Here’s to your health! You make age curious, time furious, and all of us envious.““Here’s to great friends. They know you well… and like you just the same.““May you always work like you don’t need the money; love like you’ve never been hurt; and dance like there’s nobody watching.““May we have more and more friends, and need them less and less.““May the most you wish for be the least you get.““May good fortune precede you, love walk with you, and good friends follow you.““May your home be a place where friends meet, family gathers and love grows.““May the roof above us never fall in, and may we, as friends, never fall out.““Another day, another bender. No retreat, no surrender.““I would rather be here, with the people in this room, than the best people in the world.““May we get what we want, what we need, and never what we deserve.““Take everything in moderation, including moderation.““May we all have the chance to prove that money can’t make us happy.”“A toast to bread, without bread, there would be no toast.”